Men's Wednesday Golf League 2022

Men's Wednesday Golf League begins Wednesday, May 18, 2022.

Honesdale Golf Club
Wednesday Night Men's League
2022 Schedule
Match ==> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

5/18/22 8/10 7/11 6/12 5/13 4/14 3/15 2/16 1/17 9/18
5/25/22 9/10 8/11 7/12 6/13 5/14 4/15 3/16 2/17 1/18
6/1/22 1/2 9/11 8/12 7/13 6/14 5/15 4/16 3/17 10/18
6/8/22 1/3 10/11 9/12 8/13 7/14 6/15 5/16 4/17 2/18
6/15/22 2/3 1/4 10/12 9/13 8/14 7/15 6/16 5/17 11/18
6/22/22 2/4 1/5 11/12 10/13 9/14 8/15 7/16 6/17 3/18
6/29/22 3/4 2/5 1/6 11/13 10/14 9/15 8/16 7/17 12/18
7/6/22 3/5 2/6 1/7 12/13 11/14 10/15 9/16 8/17 4/18
7/13/22 4/5 3/6 2/7 1/8 12/14 11/15 10/16 9/17 13/18
7/20/22 4/6 3/7 2/8 1/9 13/14 12/15 11/16 10/17 5/18
7/27/22 5/6 4/7 3/8 2/9 1/10 13/15 12/16 11/17 14/18
8/3/22 5/7 4/8 3/9 2/10 1/11 14/15 13/16 12/17 6/18
8/10/22 6/7 5/8 4/9 3/10 2/11 1/12 14/16 13/17 15/18
8/17/22 6/8 5/9 4/10 3/11 2/12 1/13 15/16 14/17 7/18
8/24/22 7/8 6/9 5/10 4/11 3/12 2/13 1/14 15/17 16/18
8/31/22 7/9 6/10 5/11 4/12 3/13 2/14 1/15 16/17 8/18
9/7/22 8/9 7/10 6/11 5/12 4/13 3/14 2/15 1/16 17/18
9/14/22 Final Event for the Season

Any two member team wishing to play in the Wednesday night Men's League should sign up online using this form. There is plenty of room for new teams, so sign up if you are interested. Teams are made up of two people. Substitutes are needed as well.

The cost is $50 per person which includes league dues, prizes for winning flights, and dinner at the end of the season. The golf league runs from May 18 - September 21, 2022, with our final scramble and dinner on September 28, 2022.

Please sign up and pay before May 14, 2022. Anyone signing up after May 14, 2022 will become a substitute.


Please see the players board for team and play information. For more information see your club e-mail, Scott D. Miller or Mike Clifford.

Upcoming Events

Honesdale Golf Heritage Club

Dec 31, 2024, 2:00 PM

We are honored to introduce our new 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation…


Honesdale Golf Club
121 Golf Hill Road
PO BOX 573
Honesdale, PA 18431
Phone: (570) 253-5616
Fax: (570) 616-4650

The official registration and financial information of Honesdale Golf Club and Honesdale Golf Heritage Club may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State. Registration does not imply endorsement. The Honesdale Golf Heritage Club is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, donations to which are tax deductible to the fullest extent permitted by law.  Honesdale Golf Club is a 501(c)(7) nonprofit organization located at 121 Golf Hill Road, Honesdale PA 18431.

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